Living with Gratitude

Ever notice the feeling of being in an environment filled with good energy. There's something warm, inviting, and open about the experience. There’s a presence of pure, positive energy. This raises the question, in a world seemingly full of negativity, how does this happen? The answer is through gratitude.

Being grateful is a critical part of developing a growth mindset. Gratitude is our inner compass. It helps us overcome self-limiting beliefs; gain a more positive perspective on our life; show ourselves some self-compassion and love; and deal with the many challenges that stand in the way of us reaching our goals.

Gratitude has the power to heal. It inspires us to be more creative and shifts our perspective towards positivity, improving our mood, health, and overall well-being. Gratitude is a force of good—it's an energy and a way of being. Being in a state of gratitude is about embracing this energy and letting it flow through you toward the world.

Learning how to be grateful, in addition to acting with gratitude, can transform our life. When we embody gratitude, we gain a sense of meaning, feel more connected to others, and embrace authenticity and healthy habits. 

Activity: Living with more gratitude

Reflect on how you're living. Do you lack positive energy in your life? Do you often have a fixed mindset? Are you regularly caught up in negative thinking?

Over the next week, pay attention to how you're living and make an effort to incorporate gratitude into your life. See what difference you notice this effort having on your sense of peace and happiness. 

If you want to learn more about living with gratitude, please do not hesitate to contact me. I welcome the opportunity to help. 

Adapted from Five Minute Journal app

Point to Remember

It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.