My Services

I am committed to providing customized mental health services to adult individuals in-person and via teletherapy

All therapists have their own way of practicing. My approach to therapy is grounded in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). As such I work with clients to develop mindfulness—present-centered self-awareness—so they are better able to manage moments. In this way clients can recognize negative thought patterns that shapes their perspective on themselves, relationships, work, health, and virtually every aspect of their lives.

My Specialties

In my practice I take a comprehensive approach to help clients address their mental and emotional needs. I specialize in treating individuals age 21 and older with the following concerns:

In-Person Therapy

Individual therapy conducted in person is the traditional method for delivering psychological services. It has only been in the past decade that teletherapy became an option for clients. In my private practice only a few clients prefer to meet virtually. My preference for conducting therapy sessions with individual clients is normally face-to-face.  

In my experience as a therapist, there are important distinctions between in-person therapy and virtual therapy. The benefits of in-person therapy are:

  • Therapists have greater access to nonverbal communication
  • Therapists have a more visceral experience with their clients
  • Clients experience a more intimate, personal, and satisfying relationship with their therapist
  • Professional boundaries are more easily established and maintained
  • Confidentiality and privacy can be maintained during sessions

When deciding between in-person and virtual therapy, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of both methods. If you want help making a decision, do not hesitate to contact me for more information. 


Do you need support, but can’t make it to an in-person appointment? Are you a busy stay-at-home or working parent, and don’t have the time to drive across town for an appointment? Do you live in Orleans or Jefferson Parish and don't want to drive across the lake? Or maybe you just prefer to do things virtually?

If your answer to any of these questions is "yes," then I can help. I offer clients the option of teletherapy whenever it's appropriate. This enables me to conduct therapy sessions via live, secure video conferencing. Teletherapy can be accomplished anywhere you have Internet access on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.