Therapeutic Process

As is true in most aspects of life, one approach is not a fit for everyone. Every person is unique. With that in mind, my approach to therapy must be flexible to account for the individuality of each client. Despite the unique needs of each client, therapy is most effective when following a process. The process I use to guide therapy is conducted in three phases: 

1: Self-Identity

Know Who You Are

  • Self-awareness—use meditation to heighten your awareness of what's happening in the present moment especially the issues and challenges you currently face
  • Self-concept—fully examine the question “who am I?” to better understand thoughts, feelings, and experiences that shape your perspective of your 'self' and all aspects of your life

2: Self-Development

Build Tools for Change

  • Self-acceptance—use mindfulness to overcome negativity, judgment, and emotional pain by turning resistance or avoidance into acceptance
  • Self-discovery—acknowledge the traits, abilities, values, and core beliefs that make you the person you are right now and uncover new ways of viewing yourself and your life

3: Self-Improvement

Become Your Better Self

  • Self-growth—build off your foundation of mindfulness to develop a growth mindset that promotes meaningful change and healthy habits—this personal growth exemplifies you becoming your best self
  • Self-care—as you reinforce growth/change, maintain realistic expectations of yourself while you engage in compassionate self-care activities