Softening Fear

During times of change and uncertainty it's common to experience fear. What's interesting about this emotion is that our response to fear is often what perpetuates it. And this can happen in virtually any situation. For example, the thought of finding a new job can be so paralyzing that we don't even apply. Or the idea of trying to complete a task can be so overwhelming that you don't even start. Fear is real and disruptive in our lives if we don’t learn how to manage it.

It's our resistance to facing our fears that magnifies them. When frozen with worry and dread we're usually preoccupied with the future. The most helpful thing we can do is pull ourselves back to the present moment, acknowledge our fears, and breathe into them. As we connect to the present, we recognize that whatever has us afraid is merely a potentiality, like a bad dream. In this moment we are grounded in our awareness of the present and now we are safe. And as we feel more grounded in the present our fear softens.

Activity: Facing My Fears

  • Reflect on any time in your recent past when you experienced fear.
  • During this situation, do you recall resisting how fear made you feel?
  • If you simply accepted fear as a normal part of your experience, how different do you think your experience would have been?

Many people struggle with fear. If you do then know you're not alone. Fear can be overcome and therapy is a good place to do it. If fear is a problem for you, contact me today to schedule a free phone consultation. 

Source: Adapted from a meditation on the Calm app

Point to Remember

During times of change and uncertainty it's common to experience fear. It's our resistance to facing our fears that magnifies them.