Traits of Happy People

When we look at ourselves, it's often our character, or lack thereof, that stands out the most. But not all character traits are equal, at least not insofar as happiness is concerned. Based on research, there are five traits that have the greatest impact on your happiness.

1. Courage

Fear is the great enemy to happiness. It robs us of resolve and ability to overcome the challenges we face. Courage, on the other hand, is the antidote to fear. It allows us to challenge our comfort zones, approach people and situations, embrace life, and accept the pain that's inevitable in all of our lives. Without courage, happiness is little more than an illusion.

2. Patience

Impatience is another enemy to happiness. When we are impatient, we struggle to accept and allow things to happen especially things we cannot control. Life is ever-changing and unpredictable. It simply is not 100% controllable. The more we try to control the outcome of events that occur, the more frustrated we'll feel. Therefore, we should learn to accept uncertainty and let life happen.

Being patient means "going with the flow" and allowing ourselves to breathe, relax, and let life happen, at least a little. This is critical to living a happy life.

3. Gratitude

To be grateful is to notice the good even when life isn't going quite as planned. Learning to be grateful requires seeing what isn't always on the surface. It requires retraining your mind to think positively—letting it permeate your mind-set and the overall way you experience life. When we're grateful, our problems don't disappear, they simply occupy less space in our hearts, minds, and lives.

4. Love

Love is a central element to a happy life. Just imagine a life lived without it. Impossible, right? The more love that appears in your life and in your heart, the happier you will be. Said another way, the more you love life, the more life will love you back. Love affords us with the ability to seek and accept others for who they are, not who we think they should be. Love helps us see the best in ourselves and in others.

5. Forgiveness

Refusal to forgive leads to a self-imposed imprisonment. People who hold on to the wrongs done to them feed the pain that also promotes unhappiness. When we decide to forgive, we free ourselves by letting go and the pain dissipates. This allows us to experience greater joy and happiness. Open your heart to forgiveness. When you do your heart will finally be open enough to catch its share of happiness as well.

Activity: Being happier

Reflecting on the traits listed above and apply them to your life:

  • Which trait do I struggle with the most?
  • What can I do to overcome my struggle with this trait that leads to me being happier? 

If you want to learn how to be happier, please contact me to schedule a free phone consultation. Therapy can be the ideal setting to explore this topic.