About Change

Change is a constant but it’s not always easy. When we experience the loss of a job or the end of a relationship it can feel awful. Even a positive change like moving to a new city or starting a new job can leave us feeling overwhelmed. Change can make us feel as though we've plunged into a raging river and are struggling to swim to shore.

Our instinct is to avoid and resist change. We hold onto familiar ways of being and try to make things as they were. However, it's not always possible to do. This is because change is the one constant in life. The events in our life will evolve and transform whether we want them to or not. We struggle in vain trying to hold things in place and this resistance only increases our suffering.

In situations where we can't stop change, our best option is to accept it. To become open to change and even embrace it. To sit with the fear or discomfort our pain causes and say ‘OK, this is what's happening right now.’ The more we can accept our reality, the less our mind and heart fight what is.

When we surrender to our changing reality, we often start to view life with greater perspective. What we once viewed as an ending we come to see as a new beginning. What first felt like a frustrating roadblock ends up leading to new wisdom and growth. As we strengthen our capacity for acceptance, we find courage to face the unknown with a little less fear and perhaps even some excitement. Instead of fighting against the turbulent current, we learn to float with it.

The next time life throws you the unexpected, take a deep breath and step gently into the unknown.

Activity: Questions to Ponder about Change

  • What do I believe about “change”? 
  • What significant change(s) have I made recently? 
  • What change(s) am I considering making in the future?

Change can be tricky. If you struggle with change and have an interest in getting help, please contact me to schedule a free phone consultation. 

Source: Adapted from a Calm app meditation

Point to Remember

Change is happening all the time. Learn how to accept, not resist, change.